Team Member

Dr Guru Venkat
PDRA on SpinENGINE project
Guru joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in March 2020 as a postdoctoral research associate (PDRA) and he is working on the Horizon 2020 project SpinENGINE ( the aims of which involve using nanomagnetic assemblies for advanced computing purposes. In particular, Guru is studying magnetic nanoring arrays for reservoir computing applications.
Guru obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India in 2018. His PhD thesis involved studying spin waves in magnetic nanostructures using numerical and experimental methods. He went on to work as a PDRA in the Department of Physics at Loughborough University UK where his research revolved around measuring the spin Seebeck effect in magnetic thin film for energy harvesting applications.
Guru’s research skills involve magnetic, electric, thermal and optical measurements of magnetic thin films and bulk samples. He also has experience in applying for and being granted beamtime for measurements at synchrotron/neutron facilities.
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